Wiki Editor • Artist • 1st Year UCA Undergrad
Da ramble corner :D
22/01/2025 ~ 18:47
Yesterday, our works were put on display down the hallway near the animation department. It was nice to see everyone's unique works along with the snippets of chats I've heard
I wasn't there for long, but it was fun and I look forward for more gathering such like it.
13/01/2025 ~ 16:45
Hello There! Welcome to my Blog! I am not super sure what I'll be posting here in the future, just thought it could be a nice place for me to ramble about my interests and projects.
This website was born from a uni unit. We had to make an online portfolio and I thought it was the perfect oppotunity to make the website that I desired~ I have coded it from scratch, with major help from the W3Schools Website. I will admit that the site does look a lil janky on certain screens, but I hope to fix em someday - especially the portfolio tabs, that issue annoys me a lot but at least it does not break the site.
I have a few things that I am excited for in the future. I will be creating and selling my own merch in a Market in a few months! I have started ordering products and items for tabling, and I can't wait to show pics soon. I do hope to slowly expand my business from local, to national, and then hopefully international reach, but that will take yearssss.
Thank you for reading, and see ya sometime else :)